I have been a busy little bee making Holiday banners for my etsy shop. If you would like to take a lookie just click on my etsy shop button on the left of my blog (looks like a present). As always, custom orders are welcome, and I will do my very best to accomodate any request. The last "safe" day for shipping will be Monday the 20th, so place your orders now to be sure you get your goodies in time for Christmas.I'm having some difficulty with blogger right now and it won't let me post any pictures so be sure to go to my etsy shop to take a look at the new banners.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
New goodies in my shop
Christmas Memories Class

I am so excited to bring you this wonderful class designed by Melissa Frances. I have been a fan of Melissa's products for many years, especially her Christmas lines. I just love the shabby vintage style and the nostalgic feeling they invoke. The class kits are absolutely packed with wonderful MF products including the new and so hard to get your hands on "Home for the Holidays" papers and embellishments. I hope you will join me this Sunday at Ever After Scrapbooks in Vista, CA for this great class. I am only teaching it this one time at this one store and seats are limited so please call the store at 760-630-2767 to sign up. For more info and to see the fabulous blog go to www.melissafrances.com
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Gratitude Journal

I posted this project on the Tattered Angels Educator blog this a.m. If you'd like to see more of the techniques please head on over to www.mytatteredangels.com/educators for pics and how to's. As I mentioned on the TA blog, the album isn't finished yet, so I will be posting a step by step how to with pics here on November 24th. Hope you like it!
Sparkle and Shine Holiday Card Class

Sparkle and Shine Holiday Card class
I will be teaching this Tattered Angels Holiday card class at Collective Journey in Redlands on Saturday November 20th from 10:30 to 2:30, and at Ever After Scrapbooks in Vista, CA Sunday November 28th from 12:00 to 4:00. The photos feature three of the six cards we will be making using Glimmer Mist, Glimmer Glam and other Tattered Angels products along with the Crafty Secrets Image and Journaling booklet for Christmas. You will get an entire booklet (32 pages) in your class kit so you will have plenty left over for more cards, ornaments, and other projects. We will also get to play with Glimmer Glam, yummy! I hope to see you there. Please contact the stores to sign up, and for the list of items you need to bring. Collective Journey's phone number is 909-793-2200 and Ever Afters phone number is 760-630-2767.
Upcoming classes
Wow, it has been so long since I have updated my poor neglected blog. Time just gets away from me sometimes. It's been crazy busy since summer with classes, events, Etsy shop, and life in general. I have some class dates and events to share with you. First off, Friday November 12th I will be visiting with the lovely Sheila Jeaux Goldsberry for the Charity Wings second annual three day crop in French Valley benefitting the Susan G. Komen foundation. We will be making a 12x12 layout featuring Tattered Angels products and mediums. I'm really looking forward to visiting with these ladies. Saturday November 13th I will be doing a Tattered Angels make and take at Collective Journey in Redlands for their annual open house "Let's wrap up Christmas" event. There are a few spots left so if you'd like to start wrapping up your Christmas crafting call the store to sign up at 909-793-2200. Sunday November 14th I will also be at the "Let's wrap up Christmas" event doing an Elizabeth Craft make and take, so if you'd like to get good and glimmery and glittery with me be sure to call and reserve your spot! I demonstrated Tattered Angels products last year at this event and let me tell you, it is more fun than you can imagine and there were people lined up out the parking lot waiting for those doors to open. I will be at Ever After Scrapbooks in Vista on Sunday November 21 from 11:00 to 5:00 teaching "Mad for Halloween" my Hallloween in Wonderland themed mini album featuring Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist, and the Graphic 45 Halloween in Wonderland paper line. This is the last time I'm teaching this class, so if your interested sign up now! You can call the store at 760-630-2767 to sign up.

Sorry about the brief info, I've gotta get to work on prepping and packing for this crazy weekend.

Sorry about the brief info, I've gotta get to work on prepping and packing for this crazy weekend.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Shop Hop Hijinx and classes
The So-Cal Shop Hop is in full swing so be sure to pick up your passport at your local participating scrapbook store to get your list of stores. Each store has a movie theme and many stores have coordinating merchandise to go with their theme. My first Shop Hop stop was Ever After Scrapbooks in Vista. Their theme was Cinderella so I taught a princess themed Tattered Angels make and take.

After the make and takes I taught the "By the Sea" album featuring Tattered Angels products.
The store had just gotten their shipment of Glimmer Glam and Glimmer Glaze so we had a special treat, and got to play with some of it. Show me the Glam hands!
Yesterday I taught another layout make and Take at Collective Journey in Redlans. I used the new fall colors of Glimmer Mist and the Heidi Swapp Tattered Texture stamps for this one:
I had some friends from the Boulevard come out to play. That isn't as bad as it sounds, these girls are former employees and customers of Scrapbook Blvd, the store where I used to work.
Patty, Lori, Jackie
Carla and Cynthia
Show me those Glimmer hands!
I discovered something while I was trying to create projects for the Shop Hop make and takes. I think I started my Glimmering career backwards. When I started glimmer misting I created albums using only glimmer mist and books, and every single inch of every page was glimmer misted. Most people start out just adding touches of Glimmer Mist here and there and work up to the full blown method. So now I was faced with having to come up with something that could be done in 15 minutes and I had my heart set on doing layouts. Good lord! What to do? I don't think I've ever done a full blown glimmer mist project in 15 minutes! Cards, and maybe pins, but certainly not a layout. Well, I did it, and I must say it was liberating! I am so happy with the way my 15 minute layouts turned out that I can't stop making them! At this rate I may be caught up with my scrapbooking in a week!(ok, maybe not) I urge you to try it! Just grab a screen a couple of stamps and some glimmer mist and see what you come up with. Next Saturday I will be at Kat Scrap Studio in Altadena
with another 15 minute layout for shop hop and I will also be teaching the "Time to Travel" Tattered Angels album and keepsake box. Please call the store for details at 626-398-0355 for details.
Happy Glimmering!
After the make and takes I taught the "By the Sea" album featuring Tattered Angels products.
The store had just gotten their shipment of Glimmer Glam and Glimmer Glaze so we had a special treat, and got to play with some of it. Show me the Glam hands!
Yesterday I taught another layout make and Take at Collective Journey in Redlans. I used the new fall colors of Glimmer Mist and the Heidi Swapp Tattered Texture stamps for this one:
I had some friends from the Boulevard come out to play. That isn't as bad as it sounds, these girls are former employees and customers of Scrapbook Blvd, the store where I used to work.
Patty, Lori, Jackie
Carla and Cynthia
Show me those Glimmer hands!
I discovered something while I was trying to create projects for the Shop Hop make and takes. I think I started my Glimmering career backwards. When I started glimmer misting I created albums using only glimmer mist and books, and every single inch of every page was glimmer misted. Most people start out just adding touches of Glimmer Mist here and there and work up to the full blown method. So now I was faced with having to come up with something that could be done in 15 minutes and I had my heart set on doing layouts. Good lord! What to do? I don't think I've ever done a full blown glimmer mist project in 15 minutes! Cards, and maybe pins, but certainly not a layout. Well, I did it, and I must say it was liberating! I am so happy with the way my 15 minute layouts turned out that I can't stop making them! At this rate I may be caught up with my scrapbooking in a week!(ok, maybe not) I urge you to try it! Just grab a screen a couple of stamps and some glimmer mist and see what you come up with. Next Saturday I will be at Kat Scrap Studio in Altadena
with another 15 minute layout for shop hop and I will also be teaching the "Time to Travel" Tattered Angels album and keepsake box. Please call the store for details at 626-398-0355 for details.
Happy Glimmering!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Christmas in July?
Yep, it's Christmas in July at Etsy! But it's not just for Christmas items. I have Christmas, Holiday, Valentines, and 4th of July items on sale for 50% off. Check out your favorite sellers, many are having Christmas in July sales in their shops. Sneak peeks shown in photos. Oh, and if you purchase multiple items in my shop in one transaction from any section you get free shipping during July. Visit Etsy at www.etsy.com and visit my shop at www.myscrappyshop.etsy.com(some people have said it doesn't work when they do this so if it doesn't work for you try www.etsy.com and then click on sellers and type in my scrappy shop)
Happy shopping!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Summer is HERE!
Are you ready for summer? I sure am. I am so tired of rain and cold! I know, it could be worse than a California winter, but this past winter seemed especially yucky. I have been working really hard on some new summer classes. First up is my "By the Sea" Tattered Angels album. I think your really going to have fun with this one, so grab your flip flops and beach bag and head on over to Collective Journey in Redlands, CA on July 18th, or Ever After Scrapbooks in Vista, CA on Aug 8th(you could actually head on down to the beach after the class in Vista, lol). I will be teaching a travel album class this summer also(more to come on that one). Yesterday I taught the Glitter Garden class at Kat Scrap Studio in Pasadena. Wow! Did we ever have fun! Got good and glittery(always the sign of a good day)and learned some new techniques with the Elizabeth Craft glittering system. If you still haven't visited Kat Scrap Studio, you really must, it is simply fabulous! The address is 2455 N. Lake Ave. in Altadena, CA. And they don't just have scrappy stuff, there is all kinds of goodies for creating Altered Art, Jewelry, and fiber arts. So there you have it folks, I'm off to make some jewelry for the Eclipse premier(of course I will be showing it off later) so stay tuned. Have a glimmery day!
Friday, June 18, 2010
I have an Etsy Shop!
Come check out my Etsy shop at www.myscrappyshop.etsy.com! I just listed some new items, and yes, the Edward box IS in there. I have Tag Swags(banners), previous class samples, and I will soon be adding "Class in a Bag" class kits, as well as Team Edward, Team Jacob Tag Swags and album kits. Here is a sneak peek at one of the items in my shop:
I hope you like it! If there is something special you would like that you don't see in my shop leave a comment here or email me and I will make it for you!
I hope you like it! If there is something special you would like that you don't see in my shop leave a comment here or email me and I will make it for you!
Glitter Garden Class
Wow! June is flying by. My Glitter Garden Class is already here! This Saturday I will be teaching this class at Collective Journey in Redlands, Ca, and then I will be teaching it at Kat Scrap Studio in Altadena, CA on June 27th. Please see upcoming classes at right for the phone numbers for the stores. If you haven't seen Elizabeth Craft Glitter and accessories yet, you will! They are hot! Now, I consider myself somewhat of a glitter connoisseur. I have been using glitter since I was old enough to sprinkle it on glue, that is a loooonnnnggg time. This glitter is so fabulous it makes me giddy just thinking about playing with it. It is super duper micro fine. What does that mean? Well, it completely covers the surface it is being applied to, no peekaboo spots showing through, and this is the best part: When used with the Be Creative tape (this stuff is S T I C K Y!) it wont rub off! No glitter debris in your scrapbook sheet protector. No glitter all over the house. My husband especially appreciates that part! This stuff is so fine, you can even watercolor over it. Yep, I said watercolor. Did I mention that in this class we will be learning to watercolor with gel pens? Gel Pens! Who would have thought? I will also show you how to use peel off stickers(outline stickers) with the glitter, and watercolor techniques. You simply have to try it. We will be making a layout and two cards using the fabulous watercolor papers from Donna Salazar Designs. Hope to see you Saturday!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Eclipse Album
Ok, you've been asking for it....HERE IT IS! The Eclipse album:
These are only five of the 28 pages in this album! I will be teaching this class only at Ever After Scrapbooks in Vista, CA. It's filling up fast so be sure to sign up, the class is Saturday June 12th starting at 1:00. Please call the store for details at 760-630-2767. I hope you can join me!
These are only five of the 28 pages in this album! I will be teaching this class only at Ever After Scrapbooks in Vista, CA. It's filling up fast so be sure to sign up, the class is Saturday June 12th starting at 1:00. Please call the store for details at 760-630-2767. I hope you can join me!
Goodbye Forever....
Where have I been?
Well, here I am apologizing for being a very,very bad blogger. With the end of the school year coming to a close it has been very hectic with final projects, field trips and the usual crazyness that comes with the end of the year for the kids. I can't believe Morgan will be graduating from Elementary school next week. It seems like just yesterday that I was sending her off to Kindergarten. My youngest daughter Hannah celebrated her 11th Birthday:
We had a nice Memorial weekend at home. The girls had their first swim of summer:
I had a chance to go crop with the Divas:
I'm really looking forward to spending some time with my girls this summer. I hope we can get to the beach at least a few times so I can use up all that beach scrapbook paper that I keep buying, hahaha.
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