The other day my youngest daughter Hannah came home from school, and immediately asked me for a vase. I was right in the middle of prepping for a class, so I said she needed to wait for mommy to finish what she was doing, because the vase is up high. Well, she took it upon herself to find something to use for a vase, and she presented me with this beautiful rose in an apple sauce jar. She said "I found this rose on the sidewalk on the way home from school, and I brought it home for you Mommy. That rose could not have been more beautiful if it had been in a crystal vase, than it was in that applesauce jar. She took the time to not only think of me, but to find something to put it in. Moments like this just really make you stop and think about the little things that we tend to push aside when we are working, and to appreciate them when they come to you. Thanks Hannah Bear.
Hello Sunshine- Sizzix
1 week ago
Thank you so much for all the information you gave me when using Glimmer Mist.. I came after the open house and started playing with my screens (which I have had for some time) FEARLESSLY!!! What a special lady you are, so kind and friendly... I look forward to taking your classes in the future and following your blog. Again, thank you for taking the time to share with me and show me all the goodness in the "new" Tattered Angels catalog... I can't wait!!! I'm ordering my beautiful cooper tweezers today and some other goodies. Thank you, thank you... you will be seeing my face again!!!! Sandra Bletzer
Thank you Sandra! It was great meeting you. I'm so glad you started playing with your supplies! I know you are having fun, and I look forward to seeing you in class.
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